Monday, September 21, 2009

A Bigot's Insincere Letter & A Few Responses

(From Letters-The Maui News)

Position clarified amid smear campaign
POSTED: September 11, 2009

Since my snatching of the upside-down flag from the County Council Chambers, many people have shared their opinions of my action with me. Everyone has been civil about expressing their opinions, except one person. He calls himself "MauiMatt" and has embarked on a one-man campaign to discredit me. His diatribes are full of falsehoods and a complete mischaracterization of my position with respect to Native Hawaiian land rights. He has even gone so far as to print and distribute fliers with my picture on them suggesting that harm should befall me. I would like to set the record straight: Native Hawaiians have been getting the shaft for far too long.

It is way past time for Native Hawaiians to reap the benefits of being part of the United States. The County Council's level of government is probably the most important branch of government in our system because it is at this level that our lives are directly affected the most. While our County Council spends its time banning beer at beaches and closing down small businesses, kanaka maoli are losing their lands.

"MauiMatt's" attempt to paint me with a anti-Native Hawaiian brush should fall on deaf ears. The Republic of Hawaii is not under duress, Native Hawaiians are. The flag that should be displayed upside down is that of the kanaka maoli. My heart grieves for the plight of Native Hawaiians.

Jake Jacobus

Nishiki, County Council deserve public apology
POSTED: September 20, 2009

With all due respect, Jake Jacobus (Letters, Sept. 11) failed miserably in his attempt at deflecting/redirecting criticism. For example, he said, "It is way past time for Native Hawaiians to reap the benefits of being part of the United States" and continues "kanaka maoli are losing their lands."

Mr. Jacobus, it's because of the United States government that Hawaii nationals are displaced and treated like foreigners on their own lands. You seem to lack real-life experience that connects with the people, culture and history of Hawaii. You flip-flop from "Republic of Hawaii" to "Native Hawaiian" to "kanaka maoli." To top it off, you dare to say, "My heart grieves for the plight of Native Hawaiians."

I still can't shake the "duh" you've put in my head with your nonsensical excuses.

If you want to be taken seriously, perhaps a remedy you might consider is to return to the Council Chambers and publicly apologize to Council Member Wayne Nishiki, his family and the rest of the County Council for your display of contempt. Anything short of this is as insincere as your letter.

Foster Ampong

Nation of Hawaii is under duress
POSTED: September 20, 2009

Jake Jacobus' Sept. 11 letter states: "It is way past time for Native Hawaiians to reap the benefits of being part of the United States." And this gem: "The Republic of Hawaii is not under duress, Native Hawaiians are."

This is the mind-boggling, infuriating level of ignorance possessed by most Americans. They cannot comprehend someone or some country not wanting to be a part of their wonderful collective imperial colonialism.

The nation of Hawaii is in every bit distressed as the nation of Palestine, both occupied by vicious, heartless, gutless, murdering, land-grabbing colonialists using religion and national security as excuses for theft and brutality.

Donald Brown

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