Thursday, September 10, 2009

Proof the Colonizer's Arrogance, Ignorance and Blood Quantum Laws a Racist Mechanism to Genocide Hawaiians!

No need for full blood to be a critic
POSTED: August 30, 2009

I was so sorry to read (Letters, Aug. 25) that our constantly complaining hapa kanaka, Foster Ampong, is being forced to live in America. It might be happier in his ancestral homeland, wherever that may be.

Like all of us, his ancestors came from somewhere else - the Marquesas, Tahiti, the Philippines, Portugal, Japan, China, etc. His surname suggests that he is a mixture of races, again like most of us here in Hawaii. I predict that Hawaii will continue to be one of the 50 states of the United States long after both of us pass from this earth.

Steve Hashira

Frequent letter writer open to civil conversation
POSTED: September 5, 2009

How naive for those with little or no facts to ridicule someone they have yet to meet face to face for a civil conversation. It appears Steve Hashira (Letters, Aug. 30) read my name and concluded that perhaps I lacked a minimum blood quantum to question, let alone defend my "national identity." A very arrogant and Eurocentric attitude to have.

Contrary to island myth, Hawaii's statehood is not about ethnicity or blood quantum. It is a national issue that unfortunately many are ignorant, apathetic and in denial of as demonstrated by Mr. Hashira's letter.

Let's get one thing straight. My ancestors were here on these islands way before any of yours, Mr. Hashira. Deal with it.

Nonetheless, as a gesture of good will and to promote greater understanding I will invite you and anyone who so desires to have a civil conversation to contact me at

Should you still feel the same about me after a friendly conversation, then at least you can claim that you got it straight from the horse's mouth.

Foster Ampong

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